Saturday 17 November 2012

Penang Asam Laksa

The best Penang Asam Laksa is in town - at Singapore Expo hall 4. This is the best Penang Asam Laksa that we have ever eaten. We first came across this Penang Asam Laksa recently at KSL, JB. The distinctive asam aroma hooked us up when we walked past their mobile stall. It was selling at RM5 per bowl. We thought that it was a reasonable price and we gave it a try.

Weeks after we have tried it, we hoped that there will be opportunities for us to indulge in this delicacy again. Fortunately, we are blessed to know that they will be exhibiting their delicacy in Singapore Expo. So, we headed to the Expo for a savouring Asam Laksa lunch; we even bought 5 packets home for dinner.

The Penang Asam Laksa is generously served with shredded sardines, sliced asam, thick & sweet prawn paste, bit-sized pineapples, thick rice noodles, finely sliced onions, cucumber and lettuce. The asam, sardines and lemongrasss are the key to the distinctive aroma - sour, sweet and spicy. The aftertaste is absolutely awesome!

The Damage
7 X Penang Asam Laksa - $17.50

Our Ratings (out of 5)
Food/Drink: 4.5
Service: 3.0
Price: 3.5
Ambiance: N.A.

Address: N.A.
Contact No: N.A.
Website: N.A.

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